
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

SQL Server - Query Analyzer Shortcut Keys

some very useful Query Analyzer Shortcut Keys in SQL Server .

Keyboard Shortcuts in SQL Query Analyzer

CTRL-SHIFT-F2 -- Clear all bookmarks. CTRL+F2 -- Insert or remove a bookmark (toggle). F2 -- Move to next bookmark. SHIFT+F2 -- Move to previous bookmark. ALT+BREAK -- Cancel a query. CTRL+O -- Connect. CTRL+F4 -- Disconnect. CTRL+F4 -- Disconnect and close child window. ALT+F1 -- Database object information. CTRL+SHIFT+DEL -- Clear the active Editor pane. CTRL+SHIFT+C -- Comment out code. CTRL+C or Ctrl+Insert -- CopyCTRL+X or Shift+Del -- CutSHIFT+TAB -- Decrease indent. CTRL+DEL -- Delete through the end of a line in the Editor pane. CTRL+F -- Find. CTRL+G -- Go to a line number. TAB -- Increase indent. CTRL+SHIFT+L -- Make selection lowercase. CTRL+SHIFT+U -- Make selection uppercase. CTRL+V or Shift+Insert -- Paste. CTRL+SHIFT+R -- Remove comments. F3 -- Repeat last search or find next. CTRL+H -- Replace. CTRL+A -- Select all. CTRL+Z -- Undo. F5 or Ctrl + E -- Execute a query. F1 -- Help for Query Analyzer. SHIFT+F1 -- Help for the selected Transact-SQL statement. F6 -- Switch between query and result panes. Shift+F6 -- Switch panes. CTRL+W -- Window Selector. CTRL+N -- New Query window. F8 -- Object Browser (show/hide). F4 -- Object Search. CTRL+F5 -- Parse the query and check syntax. CTRL+P -- PrintCTRL+D -- Display results in grid format. CTRL+T -- Display results in text format. CTRL+B -- Move the splitter. CTRL+SHIFT+F -- Save results to file. CTRL+R -- Show Results pane (toggle). CTRL+S -- SaveCTRL+SHIFT+INSERT -- Insert a template. CTRL+SHIFT+M -- Replace template parameters. CTRL+L -- Display estimated execution plan. CTRL+K -- Display execution plan (toggle ON/OFF). CTRL+I -- Index Tuning Wizard. CTRL+SHIFT+S -- Show client statistics CTRL+SHIFT+T -- Show server trace. CTRL+U -- Use database

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